Mark Allister will release his latest book, a biography titled "Chasing the Light: The Cloud Cult Story" on Oct. 15. Allister is a Professor of English, Environmental Studies, and American Studies at St. Olaf in Northfield. For those who do not know, Cloud Cult is an experimental rock group from Duluth, Minnesota.
What drew you to write about Cloud Cult?
Mark: When I first heard about the band, I was strongly attracted to their
environmental principles. The more I learned about their personal
history, about their young son dying and the grieving that followed and
got played out in the music and career, the more interested I became,
and the interest grew even more when I learned about Craig Minowa's
spiritual seeking. I wouldn't have written about the band if I hadn't
liked their music very much -- the orchestral rock, the immense
variation, appeals to me. But I didn't imagine writing a book about the
band until I had witnessed a few concerts and saw the incredible caring
that the band displays toward its fans and the incredible devotion that
fans have for the band. I wanted to understand that more. What made
Cloud Cult fans so passionate? And beyond that, I began to get
interested, just partly for my own life, in questions about why we
respond to music as we do.
You said earlier that the band is not just for Cloud Cult fans. What can non-fans take away from it?
How much access to the band did you have during the writing/researching process?
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